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Sources: 3 U.S. administrators will run postwar Iraq

Pentagon taps two retired generals, ex-ambassador to Yemen

From Barbara Starr

CNN has learned that three U.S. officials will share Iraq's civil administration after a war.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. government will divide Iraq into three sectors for civil administration when security is established after a war, sources tell CNN.

The plan calls for a northern and southern sector to be administered by two retired U.S. Army generals, sources said.

A central sector, including Baghdad, will be administered by Barbara Bodine, a former U.S. ambassador to Yemen, the sources said. She served in that post in October 2000, when the destroyer USS Cole was bombed in Aden harbor.

The Pentagon's Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, led by retired U.S. Army Gen. Jay Garner, is developing the plan.

Garner is slated to lead a team of more than 150 Bush administration officials and hundreds of private-sector personnel to Baghdad to establish a new structure for Iraq's government when the U.S. military can ensure security after a war.

Once in Baghdad, Garner will serve as "interim transitional civil administrator" of Iraq for a time.

The Bush administration is sensitive to the notion that everything is being done solely through the Pentagon, and hopes to find another person to install quickly, possibly a senior U.N. or international official, the sources said.

The plan calls for each sector leader to direct humanitarian assistance, reconstruction efforts and civil administration.

Changes planned for Iraqi departments

The Bush administration has selected a U.S. government official to oversee each Iraqi ministry that the U.S. plans to keep running after the war, CNN has learned.

Each official will attempt to keep his or her ministry running with Iraqi civil servants. Some changes will be made, though, the sources said:

• The Iraqi Ministry of Information, which controls the state-run media, will be disbanded and restructured with free television, radio and print elements

• Sensitive ministries such as those overseeing justice and intelligence will be overhauled

• The Special Republican Guard and Republican Guard are to be disbanded, but the plan calls for maintaining the regular army and using its manpower during reconstruction

The plan also calls for the U.S. administration team to run a Ministry of Religious Affairs that will oversee mosques and other religious activities, the sources said.

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